Rick & Janet Nicholson
Rick and Janet Nicholson of Nicholson Blown Glass are currently on leave from North Auburn Artists. Originally from Hawaii and Ohio, respectively, Rick and Janet built their studio in Auburn in 1982. They have opened for Mother's Day weekend since 1996. Their painterly approach to glass blowing results in equine, figurative and avian sculpture, sculptural lighting, and multiple piece wall and ceiling installations. The combination of glass and metal have allowed their work to expand into large scale commissions. While Rick is the master glassblower, Janet assists and is the colorist and designer of their successful collaboration. Rick was a TA for Dale Chihuly at Philchuck in 1981 and continues to study with masters. Since glass blowing is a fascinating process to watch, their studio has always been a favorite stop on the tours.
Email: janet_nicholson@me.com
Website: www.nicholsonblownglass.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nicholsonblownglass